Economic and Social Conditions OF Karthiga :
Economic status :
Social status
The aim of the girl
Wards from her to the donors
Publié par Alix à jeudi, novembre 01, 2007 0 commentaires
Publié par Alix à jeudi, novembre 01, 2007 0 commentaires
Dans son dernier mail, Sebastian a envoyé des "preuves à l'indienne" pour vous montrer qu'il avait bien distribué l'argent aux petites filles... c'est aussi l'occasion de les revoir en photos...
Publié par Alix à vendredi, septembre 28, 2007 0 commentaires
Publié par Alix à lundi, septembre 17, 2007 1 commentaires
Publié par Alix à lundi, septembre 17, 2007 0 commentaires
Voici quelques extraits des mails de Sebastian, qui pourraient vous intéresser!
Mails de Sebastian demandant le parrainage de 3 nouvelles petites filles, en avril 2006 :
« ...Along with Alan's photo i sent three girls photos who are very poor than we met girls in the villages. They are realy need of your support for their education. I am not promising anything for them. If it is possible onyl i will inform them. ...»
« ...Tomorrow I am going to have a money. Today I phoned to the Western union money transfer system, they asked me to come tomorrow. I am very thank full for your generous support for the children. I am very sure, they would use this valuable money for their children's education purposes. I would get the necessary bills from them. Please convey my kind regards to your father and your mother and your friends. I never ever forget your support for my son as well as the children. ...»
Mai 2006 :
"…I received money from the post office. There was no any problem for getting money. They issued money with in half hour. Yesterday, I met the families and I gave the money Rs. 3 340 to each student. They surprised , because of your support. The students and families are very happy. One of the families told me that you and your parents and your friends are equal to their god. They told me that they would remember you as long as they alive.
As I told you, I told them to receive bills for every expenses for the money which you support them. They also told me that they would spent this for their children’s education and give me the bills.
I have an idea to start a hostel for school going girl students in future in Madurai or Thirunelveli. I hope it would be worked out.
Please send your family photo to me.
Please reply for this
Thanking you.
Sebastian »
Septembre 2006 :
« Hello Alix, how are you? . How is your father and mother? Are they doing well? Please convey my regards to your parents and your friends.
The children to whom you supported are very fine and going to school happly. They are very regular to schools. They scored good marks in quarterly exam. I am often visiting their home and conveying the commutation between you and me through mail and phone. If you send mail for them , i would translate the. You cold send my address. »
Mars 2007 :
« Hai Alxi, Thank you for your e mail.
I keep in touch with the children. You can help the children as long as possible. There will not be any problem for helping the children. The children are very regular to schools. They are going to write the annual exams. The exam starts in April. Even if you are able to help additional one or two girls from next year, I would be happy. If you send your’s friends e mail ID I will conduct easily
Thank you, »
Juin 2007 :
« …The girls are going schools after the summuer holiday. They were expecting you for pay the school fees and take uniforms. They approched me for the same. I told them you are very busy with work and parents are faraway from you. Still they are looking money to take uniforms and pay the school fees.
Kindly send your Family and friends Photos to my add :
Sebastian s/o Selvaraj
25, Police Quartres,
Mandela Nagar,
P.T.C.Post, Madurai 625022
Tamil nadu
South india
Mobil No 9894424283
Bye bye
Sebastin your friend
Publié par Alix à lundi, septembre 17, 2007 0 commentaires
Publié par Alix à lundi, septembre 17, 2007 0 commentaires
Publié par Alix à lundi, septembre 17, 2007 0 commentaires
Publié par Alix à lundi, septembre 17, 2007 0 commentaires
Parmi de nombreux moments de bonheur, je me souviens particulièrement de cet accueil dans un village que je ne connaissais pas.
Publié par Alix à lundi, septembre 17, 2007 0 commentaires
Publié par Alix à lundi, septembre 17, 2007 1 commentaires